徵人啟事_業務助理年齡40~50歲 歡迎二次就業人士應徵。高律公司主要業務 半導體 聚合物鋰電池-鋰離子電池 適用於手機、藍牙耳機、電子秤……..等3C及可攜式產品,週一~週五AM:9:00~PM:18:00請您來電02-2337-5030或mail與我們聯絡。


KONYtek was established in 1991 with an experienced team, regard acting as the agent of storing device IC of ISSI , EON, SyncMOS, as main business lines ,  since then we continuously provide the excellent technology with superior quality at competitive market.


In the fast changing IT industry, KONYtek has to leverage more innovative products to meet market's needs. As being aggressive in the development of USB products, it urges us to keep moving towards USB new products today.


Now KONYtek promoted chargeable battery device, Lithium Ion Battery, Li-Ion Polymer Battery, and Li-Ion Button battery. We believe it going to replaced traditional Battery be the mobile accessory side, by its Environment friendly, convenient usage, and stylish outlook.


With full technical support and friendly service; KONYtek is able to be your nice business
partner with no doubt.


E-mail : Benson@konytek.com.tw


高律公司的經營團隊成立於 1991,以代理銷售ISSI的記憶體IC和鋰離子二次電池為主要業務持續以我們優秀工程經驗在競爭激烈市場上 對客戶提供服務。

在快速變動的 IT 產業中,高律公司不斷推出創新產品,去符合市場須要努力於新產品積極導入使我們在2016年推出新產品。

例如 :

鋰離子電池,鋰聚合物電池,記憶卡, ...等等皆能滿足方便、美觀、實用、價廉消費者要求的重點。強力工程支援和良善的服務,高律公司是您在電子產品市場上的好夥伴。


 營業項目 : 

●半導體 記憶体

●鋰離子電池 聚合物鋰電池-適用於手機,藍牙耳機,電子秤……..等. 3C 及可攜式產品。